
Medical University of GDANSK

  • *  Location: Beautiful city in Europe, in northern Poland.
  • *  Currency Polish zloty (PLN)
  • *  Medical University of Gdansk is known from its high quality research. Every year we are ranked among the top research universities in Poland.
  • *  COMFORTABLE CAMPUS located close to the main university buildings and the modern library.
  • *  INVASIVE MEDICINE CENTRE is regarded as one of the most modern hospitals in Europe.
  • *  INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION with more than 80 universities and scientific centers.
  • *  ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the international mobility program e.g. Erasmus (students exchange program)+, NUPACE (Nagoya University Program for Academic Exchange is a short-term student exchange programme), and MEMBER of European organizations
  • *  The doctor of medicine (M.D.) DIPLOMA allows to apply for a license to practice medicine in EU countries.
  • *  Criteria for admission:-
  • *  CANDIDATES are selected by the Admission Committee on the basis of: their final marks in high school biology and chemistry courses (High School Diploma), scores from the obligatory ENTRANCE EXAM in biology and chemistry and an optional ORAL exam.
  • *  Duration and Curriculum of MD
  • *  6 years and curriculum based on strict European and US standards.


Tuition fee for each year should be paid in two installments (1st installment 15th October and 2nd 15th Feb):

  • Admission fee PLN 2,000 (INR.33, 678.99)
  • Orientation week fee PLN 1,000(INR. 16,839.49)
  • Tuition fee for the first year of study PLN 43,000 (INR.7, 24,098.25)
  • Tuition fee for the second to the sixth year of study PLN 40,000 per year (INR. 6, 73,579.76)
  • (Likely to vary every year)